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Aus Leidenschaft für Lederhandwerk geboren


Jan-Patrick Mainka, founder and creative mind behind the products started this journey during his studies in Nürnberg, Germany (2012).

One night, he had the idea that if he could manufacture high quality and durable phone sleeves at home all by himself and sell them at a "factory" price with a fair margin, he could outcompete products of similar quality, by offering a product at a price that reflects its true value.

He decided to invest his savings into a sewing machine, tools and leather leftovers from an upholstery factory and started to create the first leather sleeves for Iphones. After selling his first products to his fellow students and launching a small webshop, he decided to work on more challenging products embedding the same concept.

In a short time his collection covered leather belts, accessory bags, wallets, leather journals and even travel bags as well as exclusive handbags.

Throughout the years, he experimented both with designs and materials to create the most sophisticated and unique pieces from leather, until he fully mastered the art of leather craftsmanship without the aid of a teacher.

10 years later in 2022 and after two former ventures, Aegis Ledermanufaktur and Orchids & Eons which both operated temporarily on a traditional retail business model, he decided to pivot one last time to realize his original idea.

With his accumulated experience, working with all types of leathers, the creation and execution of sophisticated yet functional designs, his attention to detail and his uncompromising attitude towards quality served him as foundation for a durable quality collection of leather goods and apparel under the Mainka brand.


At the core of the Mainka company are our customers and our passion, driving and inspiring us to build the most durable, highest quality and most fair priced leather goods in the market. With our devotion to quality and design we strive to build the next generation go-to-brand for reliable and durable leather goods handmade in Germany.

We are makers at heart paving the way towards an inspiring future and welcome you to join our journey